"Risk Management" means an interdisciplinary all-round concept to recognise anticipatory entrepreneurial risks, assess them and to avoid such risks against the background of a dynamic and developing globalisation of the markets, increasing pressure to be competitive as well as the increased complexity of technology in the hard and software field. The term for risk is therefore widely drafted and contains, inter alia, economic, legal, financial, tax, technical, personal and political risks. The aim of risk management is to make companies aware of the risks in order to create additional value, so they can cover themselves against such risks or exclude them all together.
The IRM can offer proper and specialist solutions for specific risks by involving experienced specialists both in Germany and abroad, in particular in the areas of economic, legal and tax advice. Existing instruments and tools to overcome risks continue to be developed in cooperation with universities / higher education institutions and practitioners (e.g. tools for analysis; software for contract administration).
The legal rules postulated in the Control and Transparency law of 27. 4. 1998 (Federal Law Gesetz. I 1998, 786) ("KonTraG") contain a framework and standard to improve and further develop risk management systems.